Stage 1: (Age 4 years +) Complete beginner. Developing basic safety awareness, basic movement skills and water confidence skill. Swimmers may use arm bands, goggles, etc.
Stage 2: (Age 4 years +) Developing safe entries to the water, basic floating, travel and rotation unaided to gain upright positions.
Stage 3: (Age 4 years +) Developing safe entries including submersion, learn to travel up to 10 metres on front and back, progress rotation skills and water safety knowledge.
Stage 4: (Age 5 years +) Developing the understanding of buoyancy through a range of skills, refining kicking technique for all strokes, and swimming 10 metres to Swim England standards.
Stage 5: Developing ‘watermanship’ through sculling and treading water skills, and complete rotation. Booster class.
Stage 6: Developing effective swimming skills including coordinated breathing, developing the water safety aspects and understanding of preparation for exercise.
Stage 7: Developing quality stroke technique up to 100 metres, incorporating skills learnt and combining them to develop a linked routine and complete successfully an obstacle course that combines a variety of skills accomplished through stages 1 to 7. For children who have passed Stage 6.
Training hour: Stroke technique. Starts and turns, races, diving and lengths. Stage 7+.