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Booking info

Before booking online, please read the stage descriptions and view our lesson schedule below:

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Summer term 2025

*Please note* pool closed for refurbishment 10th-23rd June

7-9 April, 11-11:30 & 11:30-12:00

The Downs School, Compton, RG20 6AD

Brockhurst & Marlston House School
RG18 9UL

Booking form

Please note: New customers must fill out our new customer form before submitting a booking form.

*Discount available for 3 or more siblings*

Does your child suffer from any medical\behavioural conditions that the teacher should be made aware of?
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Your booking will not be confirmed until payment has been received.

Please find payment information below:
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Important payment information:
Your booking cannot be confirmed until your payment has been received (unless agreed with Beth).

Please make your payment via BACS (bank transfer) using the following information:
Beth Mobile: 07809694361
'Aqua Blue Swim School'
Account Number: 12044846
Sort code: 40-34-12
(Please put your child's name as reference)